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Catch of The Week

The LIL’ ANGLER II.. Brings On The Drums

Sometimes you’re the Windshield.  Sometimes You're the Bug.
May12, 2012

122cm_drum(Lewes, DE) - Our trip began just after 3:00pm Saturday, as we departed from Lewes, Delaware aboard the LIL ANGLER II in search of Black Drum.  The Charter included Colby Hastings of Seaford DE, Bobbi Jo Dean of Georgetown DE, Dick Papp of Milton DE, and birthday boy, John Meredith of Lincoln DE.  We headed directly up the Delaware Bay to my favorite area, only to find it littered with other boats already fishing.  Shifting gears to 'Plan B,' we located another area with plenty of room.  A light west wind, combined with the start of the ebb made for ideal conditions.  We anchored in 15 feet of water, and let out about 500 feet of anchor line to get the LIL ANGLER II just where I wanted it.  Once anchored and pinned on the rode, fresh surf clams from Lewes Harbor Marine were promptly shucked and deployed on a fish finder rig using 4 ounces or weight.  Thirty pound fluorocarbon leaders up to 20 inches long were snelled to 8/0 Gamagstu circle hooks.

After an hour bait soak and several bait refreshing, angler Dick Papp hooked into his first Delaware Bay black drum! The fish measured 34 ½ inches, and weighed in at approximately 28lbs.  Bobbi Jo Dean hooked up next, hauling in a 29 inch, 18 pound fish.  Bobbi Jo also scores a second fish around 21 pounds.  Next up, John Meredith hooks what we can tell from experience, is going to be a beast.  What followed was a battle lasting and hour and twenty five minutes! While John is still in the battle of his life, Dick Papp landed a nice 35 pounder, and Bobbi Jo hooks up again. This time however, he hands the rod off to Colby, who has yet to catch one.  Colby’s efforts pay off with a 34 pound fish.  John Meredith finally lands his biggest fish ever, tipping the scales at 54.75 pounds, and first ever Delaware Fishing Tournament citation and patch.  As the saying goes, at this point of the day, The LIL ANGLER II is without a doubt 'the windshield.'

How fast things can change......


Read more: The LIL’ ANGLER II.. Brings On The Drums

Drew (Fish4life) 58 Lb Cobia

Drew (Member Fish4life) who lives and works out of Panama City Beach Florida, was out fishing in the Gulf on 9/29, when a Monster Cobia inhaled his Pin fish. After a 45 minute battle.. Drew Landed the fish that weighted in at 58 Lbs on an un-certified scale.

gulf cobia

A Daughter's Doormat for Dad

Every weekend for many years now, Patricia Allan has eased her boat, Mr. Fish II, down the launch ramp and into the briny water at the dock in Sewaren, NJ.  In that respect, this past Saturday morning was no different than any other, but it would soon turn out to be a day many anglers dream of.  It would also be one that would bring back a flood of great memories.

Patricia and DadPatricia's love of fishing started at a very young age.  Her father, Robert Allan, was an avid fisherman and shared his passion for fishing with the family.  Recalled Patricia, As far back as I can remember I have fished with my dad - my entire family actually, four brothers and sisters, and Mom, who might have been the best fisherman of us all.

She recounted how some of her earliest memories were of her dad taking the whole family to fish all the way at the end of the Long Branch Pier, until a major fire and subsequent storms took it down for good.  With the pier gone the family's outings moved to the Sandy Hook surf.  That is, until Mr. Allan decided they needed a boat.  And just like that, the Allan family became boaters.

Patricia spent many days on that boat with her dad throughout the years.  He taught me everything I know about fishing and boating.  I go out every weekend launching at the Sewaren Dock, sometimes by myself, and the men there cannot believe how well I handle the boat; launching, docking, trailerin it all by myself.  I owe all of that to my Dad.

Read more: A Daughter's Doormat for Dad

Capt Jeff's 10.5# Fluke



Capt Jeff (NJSWF Member pilot2550) of Z'Obsession landed this 10.5# beauty on a tandem bucktail on his first drop early saturday morning 8/13. He and his brother Jay have been using an assortment of live bait as window dressing on home made bucktails to produce the larger fish. "As you would expect, the doormats are laid up in the structure, so you have to be willing to forfeit some gear to be rewarded. Although, all of the typical locations like Ambrose and Sandy Hook channels are delivering quality fish." said Capt Jeff.   See More Images and Report Here.