NJ Saltwater Fishing Articles
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- Category: Fishing Articles
- Published: Friday, 25 July 2008 05:55
- Hits: 31353

Here at NJ Saltwater Fisherman.com we are passionate about all forms of fishing, surf, private boating, charter boats, party boats and now kayaking. Although it is a very old form of fishing it has only taken hold in saltwater circles as a viable platform in which to fish off of in the past 5 or so years.
With today’s high price of fuel the kayak sure looks good too many sportsmen as it allows them the mobility as well as the excitement of Yaking as it is passionately called. No motor is needed to glide gracefully along to your favorite fishing spot, load your craft with fish and head back with little effort. Well almost, if you are like me I don’t get out too exercise to much these days and this sport is one that I surly can handle with ease.
There are many different types of kayaks on the market today and you should take the time to do a little research as to which one will best fit your style of fishing. We are looking forward to helping out the first time kayaker and the seasoned yaker alike. This new forum will be a good starting place to ask questions and post reports on ways people have outfitted their Yak to make it more of a fishing machine than a pleasure craft.
As mentioned earlier there are many different types of kayaks and with that goes the price range. I would say that the majority of today’s kayaks range in price from $400.00 to over $2000.00. Like today’s cars it depends on what equipment you outfit it with........... You have the opportunity to go bare bones and go with little or no options or all out and add on comfortable seats, water tight compartments, custom paddles, trolling motors, rod holders, anchor and special cleats to secure them with as well as fish finders to name a few. All the comforts of home can be installed, well almost.
The nice thing about kayaks, if you love to fish both salt and fresh water this craft will allow you the flexibility to take advantage of both without any special equipment changes.
If you think this sport is just for the young, think again. I am going to be 61 this year and I am seriously thinking about jumping into this sport. I have been talking to a gentleman in Texas that makes kayaks for us at this gentle age and he has put together a craft that looks real sweet and it has all the creature comforts to lure someone like me to want to know more.
I hope I have given you a little insight into the world of kayaking and peaked your curiosity to maybe venture out and find out more about this fascinating new facet to today’s fishing world. If you have questions jump onto our new Forum and don’t be shy, ask away, remember if you have a question there are others out there wondering the same thing.
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Happy Catching
Paul Danielczyk